SWOT Analysis

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My company’s name is TEA TIME. TEA TIME is a cafe shop. We serve bubble tea and some foods. It is located at Walnut Street. TEA TIME’s mission statement is: We are TEA TIME who provides bubble tea with special DIY service and fresh food choices.


1. We provide DIY service, which means our customers can go to the DIY area to make their own bubble tea.

2. We provide bubble tea instead of coffee like most of the beverage stores.

3. We will have nice decorations.


1. We only provide bubble tea.

2. The rent cost is pretty high in the center Philly.

3. We might add more beverage and food choices.


1. It is a shopping street. A lot of women and men come here for shopping, so the chance of coming to our shop is higher.

2. There are many office buildings surround us. Officers will come down for eating lunch.

3. Bubble tea is from China. To some extent, it is special.


1. During weekdays, there might be not too many people.

2. There are many restaurants and bars around us.

3. We might cannot provide many food choices as restaurants.

After writing this SWOT Analysis Worksheet, I think we should provide more food and drink choices for our customers. However, there should not be too much choices of them since bubble tea is our feature. A balance point is important. Also, I think I should hire an advertising team to make some creative and attractive posters to post outside of the store. Maybe we will provide delivery service in the future too. On the other hand, I think we will focus on bubble tea and its DIY service. In the store, there will be a special area can let the customers to DIY their bubble tea. There are many instruments and tubes in that area. Each tube contains different flavor power. There are also fruits and candy bars in that area. Customers can add whatever they want in the bubble tea to design their own drink.

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