Grant Proposal

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       Nowadays, there are a lot of orphans and lonely old men in our community. They need help, and they also need to feel the love from the world or the society. Therefore, I want to use this grant for doing this valuable thing for them and for the society.

       We want to win the Grand prize, Silver Prize, Or Bronze Prize of FedEx Small Business Grant Contest. Grand Prize is $50,000 (1 winner) plus $7,500 in FedEx Office print and business services. The Silver Prize is $30,000 (1 winner) plus $5,00 in FedEx office print and business services. Bronze Prize is 15,000(8 winners) plus $1,000 in FedEx office print and business services.

       If we can win any of these prizes, we will hold a special event for these orphans and lonely old men. These old men and orphans will be invited into TEA TIME shop to have a big meal each month. Also, we will serve our shop special—bubble tea for them. On the outside wall of our store, we will post your logo—FedEx Small Business Grant on it. Also, we will use the budget to design three posters for you to put inside of the store to provide publicity for FedEx. It will give an impression for people who pass by our store. It will build a great brand image for both of us.

For the further step, we will corporate with some nursing homes and orphanages in Pennsylvania. We will invite one or two of them to come to our store to enjoy the meal. Meanwhile, we will purchase some massage chairs and Legos for the old and kids. After the lunch, kids can play around, and the old can have a rest on these chairs. When they leave, we will give five books to each child and three bottles different kinds of health care products to the old. I already saw the time frame on your website. I will know the result on April 29. This grant is urgent since we want to do that as soon as possible. You can still contribute to our store after the event has passed since we are willing to continue to do it if we can have the grants. If we can win this grant, we prefer to accept the fund through check. Thank you for reading my grant proposal.

We appreciate FedEx taking an interest helping TEA TIME implement a program that will help the old and orphans! Please give me a call at 814-681-7345 if you require any further information.

Respectfully submitted,

Lin Yang

TEA TIME Founder

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