Complaint & Compliment Letter

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Lin Yang
1716-18 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103

March 17, 2019

Tony Xu
Doordash Delivery
904 Livingston Ave,
North Brunswick Township, NJ 08902

Dear Mr. Xu,

I am Lin Yang who is a really loyal customer of Doordash. I often order foods via this app because it makes my life efficient and convenient. Most of the drivers are polite and professional, so I use this app pretty often.  

However, there is a unhappy thing happened recently because of the delivery driver. Last Friday, since my friends and I had three exams on that day, we felt exhausted after school. Then we decided to order some foods, Chipotle, to eat through Doordash. On the delivery page, it shows that the delivery time is 35 to 45 minutes. Yet, 15 minutes later, the driver called me and said he was outside. I said I would go down to get it right now. He called us at 6:27pm. When I was in the elevator at 6:29 pm, he called me again and very hungry. He yelled, “Where are you?”(He used some bad words). I said, “ Sir, I am in the elevator now.” When I stood outside of the door, I called him because I did not see him. He said, “I cannot see you.” He used very unpleasure tone. I worried that he found a wrong door, so I asked him where he was. He told me he was sitting in his car. When he got out of his car, he saw me right away. When he gave the foods to me, he showed the middle finger to us. Because we had a long day, we wanted some foods to enjoy and relax. However, his rude behavior made us feel even worse. Therefore, I want to report this thing to you.

I hope you can fire this guy, and pay attention on other drivers’ behavior before hiring them. I think they are the face for your company. These kind of drivers will let consumers to doubt the whole corporation. It will damage your brand image. Since I think Doordash is a professional and open-minded delivery company, you will issue this problem approperialy.

Thank you for reading my letter. Looking forward to see your response in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Lin Yang
Lin Yang


Image result for Compliment

Lin Yang
1716-18 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103

March 17, 2019

Yinzhi Zhao
Intelligent Training Institution
789 Apple Road,
Suzhou, China
Yinzhi Zhao

Dear Ms. Zhao,

I am Lin Yang who is a student’s cousin of Intelligent Training Institution. My cousin, Tiao Pi, was a naughty boy. He was often failed 6 out of 7 of his courses before coming to your training institution. He has been a six grader in middle school for three years. My aunt has been hired 20 tutors for my cousin in one year, but all of them quitted their job because they cannot do anything for his little boy. My uncle’s hair were all gone because of his son, my cousin, too. However, a miracle happened after sending him to your company. Last January, I tried find a  training institution which can help and fit my cousin online, I noticed the Intelligent Training Institution. After a systematically searching, I found a lot of positive comments about your company. At the beginning, I did not have a big hope. I just want to let my cousin to try it because it is a good training institution. There might be a chance to change his mind, I thought. While I told him this, he refused to go there for studying at first. A week later, because the special teaching style, my cousin started to change his attitude of studying. He liked to go to school; I mean the Intelligent. He works hard everyday until now. He realized that studying is for himself instead of for anyone else. Couple month later, my cousin got all A in his first exam in school. That is a huge surprise for our family. His mom is even too excited to faint when she heard this news.

Now, he has been studying in the Intelligent Training Institution for more than one year, he still keep working everyday, and he even enjoys studying now. Therefore, I really appreciate every teachers in your institution because they saved my cousin and our family.

Thank you so much!

Yours sincerely,

Lin Yang
Lin Yang


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